Health Care Crisis 

Health Care Crisis

Naveen Dhaliwal recognizes the healthcare challenges Fleetwood-Port Kells residents are facing, and is committed to advocating for improved healthcare services for the average person. As a candidate seeking nominations in the Conservative Party of Canada, Naveen is focused on addressing the healthcare issue and crisis in Surrey with practical solutions.

One of Naveen's key priorities is to advocate increase funding for healthcare in Surrey, ensuring that there are enough resources to meet the growing needs of the community. This includes investing in new healthcare facilities, hiring more healthcare professionals, and improving access to essential services.

Naveen is also a strong advocate for mental health services in Surrey. He understands the importance of addressing mental health issues and is committed to expanding access to mental health resources and support for those in need.

Additionally, Naveen recognizes the importance of addressing the underlying factors that contribute to health issues, such as poverty, lack of access to healthy food, and inadequate housing. He supports initiatives that promote healthy living and address social determinants of health.

Overall, Naveen Dhaliwal's approach to healthcare in Surrey is focused on ensuring that the average person has access to high-quality healthcare services. He is dedicated to fighting for improved healthcare outcomes and a healthier community for all residents of Surrey.

"Mental health and healthy lifestyle habits are equally important aspects of overall health and wellness."

Naveen Dhaliwal Fleetwood-Port Kells

After eight years of Prime minster Trudeau and doubling the nation debt. Trudeau told Canadians who are desperate for more health care funding, "Sorry we can't do more on healthcare because we are broke" 

HealthCare Funding

Healthcare Innovation

Long Wait Times

Healthcare Promotion

Mental Health

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